COVID 19 Safety Protocols


Our Clinic

We are the first new dental clinic in Campbell River to be built after COVID-19 protocol regulations were implemented. Some of our innovative features include:

  • State of the art HVAC and air filtration system

  • One-directional patient flow to decrease patient interactions as you enter and exit the clinic.

  • Separate entrance and exit to minimize patient contact

  • Enhanced screening protocols for every patient entering the clinic

  • Social distancing in our waiting room

  • Face shields worn by our hygienists during cleaning procedures.

  • We follow strict infection prevention and control guidelines set by the College of Dental Surgeons of BC.

Our Patients

In order to keep all staff and patients healthy, we require the following:

  • Please notify us as soon as possible if you are not feeling well, or have had an exposure  and need to reschedule your appointment

  • Please sanitize your hands upon entering the building

  • Please limit bringing friends and family to your appointments if possible.